Android Animation for Titanium
Provides access to Honeycomb+ Animation APIs
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Android Animation for Titanium


This Titanium Android module makes the Honeycomb (Android 3.0) animation API available to Titanium Android apps. It uses Jake Wharton's excellent NineOldAndroids library to make the animations available on pre-Honeycomb devices as well.

The module doesn't follow the Android API exactly, but fairly closely.

It does this by wrapping and exposing two types of animators that are native to the Honeycomb Animation API: ObjectAnimator (native) and ViewPropertyAnimator (native).

Additionally, it provides access to the AnimatorSet (native), which can run multiple ObjectAnimator instances either simultaneously or back-to-back.

The real star of the bunch is the ViewPropertyAnimator, which is the one you should be trying to use first.

Accessing the Module in Your App Code

Get the module's ZIP file

You can either build the module from source (this assumes you know how to build Titanium modules; no instructions are provided here for that) or get a recent packaged ZIP from Github.

Place the module ZIP where it's accessible

For a module to be accessible to the Titanium project build scripts (which will package the module in to your application when it is built), the module's ZIP file must either be placed in the project's root folder or in your root Titanium installation folder (e.g. Library/Application Support/Titanium on OS X, if that's indeed where your Titanium installation folder is.)

Where your Titanium application project is built, the build scripts will take care of unzipping the module in either of those places.

Prepare your tiapp.xml

Here's an example of the <modules> section of your project's tiapp.xml file modified so as to register this module:

    <module platform="android" version="1.0">com.billdawson.timodules.animation</module>

Accessing the module in code

Here's an example of getting a reference to an instance of the module in your application's Javascript code:

var animMod = require("com.billdawson.timodules.animation");


Please see the example project and the main documentation for several usage examples. Meanwhile, find a few short samples below.


You'll see in the example below that the ViewPropertyAnimator has a fluent interface (e.g. method chaining), just like the native Android ViewPropertyAnimator.

var mod = require("com.billdawson.timodules.animation"),
       view = Ti.UI.createView();

   // setup the window and view, etc....
   // ... then later ...

   .withEndAction(function() {"Animation done");

Note from the example above how you get an instance of the ViewPropertyAnimator: not through a createViewPropertyAnimator method, but rather through a special factory method:


Note also that you likely don't even need to hold a reference to the instance in a variable since the interface is fluent.


In this example of using an ObjectAnimator, we animate the backgroundColor property of a View. The backgroundProperty is a good example here because the ViewPropertyAnimator (above) cannot be used to animate the backgroundColor (the same is true for native Android), so you must use ObjectAnimator to animate it.

var mod = require("com.billdawson.timodules.animation"),
    view = Ti.UI.createView({
        backgroundColor: "#FF00FF00"
    animator = mod.objectAnimator.ofInt(
        view, "backgroundColor", "#AAFF0000");

// setup the window and view, etc....
// ... then later ...

// Use the Android evaluator that is
// specifically for ARGB (alpha/red/green/blue)
// values.
animator.setDuration(2000); // 2 secs.
animator.addEventListener("start", function() {"Animation started!");

// Animate backgroundColor from
// #FF00FF00 to #AAFF0000 over
// 2 seconds.


The AnimatorSet can be used to run several ObjectAnimator animations together simultaneously or sequentially.

var mod = require("com.billdawson.timodules.animation"),
    view = Ti.UI.createView({
        backgroundColor: "#FF00FF00"
    animateColor = mod.objectAnimator.ofInt(
        view, "backgroundColor", "#AAFF0000"),
    animateScaleX = mod.objectAnimator.ofFloat(
        view, "scaleX", 2),
    animateScaleY = mod.objectAnimator.ofFloat(
        view, "scaleY", 2),
    animatorSet = mod.createAnimatorSet();

// setup the window and view, etc....
// ... then later ...

animatorSet.playTogether([animateColor, animateScaleX, animateScaleY]);


Bill Dawson

Source Code

The source is open and can be found on Github.


The original code herein is...

Copyright 2013 William Dawson.

The NineOldAndroids library, upon which this module is built, is...

Copyright 2012 Jake Wharton.

Both projects:

Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
You may obtain a copy of the License at

Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
limitations under the License.